Friday, August 9, 2013

Life Without Weepy - One Week Later

Life Without Weepy - One Week Later
           It's been incredibly difficult without Weepy. Hard to stay in the house without his presence. I try to do all the things they tell you to do like exercizing, keeping busy, talking with friends, getting out, etc.  I try to rationalize Weepy's loss...e.g. it was his time, or,  perhaps he had not been really comfortable -in retrospect, the last years- moving slowly with heart and kidney issues. But, not to the point where he seemed in any real pain... He was able to climb up on my lap until the last day and be with me - which meant a lot to me knowing he still had the WILL and DESIRE. Weepy was able to function on his own terms (which was important to him) up until the end when he got out of his bed and lay down on the carpet in the hall the last day, effectively in a 'a coma, 'according to doctors.  I knew Weepy was telling me something. Definitely no point to try to keep Weepy alive so it wasn't a difficult decision to let him go, in one respect. 

Weepy in his catbird seat , 'supervising'  my mail advertising business. Picture taken the past week.

We spent much of days the past month together, which made Weepy's loss more difficult but yet I was glad to get as much time as I could with Weepy and I hope being there for him helped give him comfort. He ate well until the last night, which was the first indication of something wrong, as Weepy had been eating pretty well -with the right foods - right along since his initial bout with heart failure.

Now, it's just April and Zack , inside. I know it's been a bit hard on April. She looks in the back closet where Weepy made his 'home' the last month, with his bed moved from his previous favorite place in the living room... But, I think april knew Weepy wasn't doing well.  So, I spend extra time with April - and Zack. Now , Zack is starting to come on the the bed now, feeling more comfortable and , perhaps April likes to have his presence to some degree. He's not Weepy but he's a nother 'big ' brother for her... So, I try to bringApril and Zack together on the bed. Zack is definitely playfull, being younger - to the point of chasing April, which she doesn't really like but puts up with...

So,it's a new chapter for us... Will never forget Weepy and his ways.. Among his memorable traits was  climbing on my lap whenever I watched TV... Weepy has his definite daily routine, which went from sleeping on  my bed to going to the kitchen in morning for breakfast, then moving to his living room bed.  Around noon he would usually climb up on my desk and supervise me from his catbird seat (above)

I'm lucky to have had Weepy as long as I did, with his heart murmur and all -and after losing my first four male cats in the period of a year, he became the 'lucky charm.' If  he hadn't lived long I might have given up on more cats ...

Weepy, you will always be with me. I miss you terribly. It's hard sitting at this desk knowing you won't be 'supervising' me anymore.  I must leave the house soon to avoid the pain.  But , time will heal though I will never forget you. 

With all my love, Dad

Back Bathroom became a kitchen and tasting area for Weepy. We probably tried over half the various canned foods on the market

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